spring Magazine Launch 🚀

Vol. 14 of spring Magazine launched in Saskatoon today, and I wore lots of cats on my dress! 🐈

Editors and contributors at the launch of spring Magazine, vol. 14 - all smiles!  It takes commitment and foresight to be this much of a cat lady.

I also wore “foxy socks,” which - as I explained in my self-description (the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild (SWG) encourages these to help folks who might hear better than they see) - are socks with foxes on them, not particularly alluring hosiery. Unless you really like foxes, I guess.

Cats & foxes. Two animals - a faux pas / fox pas / faux print (faux bas, pour mes ami.es francophones)? Maybe... but the socks were given to me by a special person who couldn't be there. ❤️🦊

My poem was called “Chickadee” - no surprise to anyone who regularly hears me rambling about birds, which is really any time I’m outside (pretty much everywhere has a bird population, as it turns out). Since the poem itself was so short, I managed to turn my reading into a ramble, too, and talk about the importance of birds in Finnish culture. But because my family and my partner’s will come out to anything, I definitely had the biggest cheering section and everybody had to pretend to be interested. 🦢

It was so much fun, and I was so tickled to hear the other readers and nerd out about words afterward. Big thanks to the SWG!


Telling Tails: Cat’s Play

