
“Ignorance Is Strength”
What year is it, again? 📚 (Sticker: gibbs-smith.com)

Ready, Reader Rabbits? 📖🐇
New audio dropping soon from Wonderland (though not from the rabbit hole, per se)!

Sip the Tea with Drs. Marian and Tara*
No agony here - just side-splitting, real advice from two comic geniuses-turned-audio aunties. ☕️ (Image: BBC Radio 4)

Rêveries boulangerie / Bakery Reveries 🥐
La plainte de l’écrivaine sans boulangerie 24h. / 24-hour bakeries: a lament.

A Withered Valentine, Marching to the Ides
Does it still count as a "still life" if all the flowers are dead? #FoundStories

Stu White’s Lens on Life 🦊 🌄
Story = a lens that captures the light we long for? (Image: Stu White / Canadian Geographic)

This Week (a Dork!) in Radio… 📻
This week in radio: a dork makes invisible faces…

Top X: Television (#1, Happy Valley) 📺
Top ten(ish) TV shows: #1, the flawless Happy Valley.

Exclamations (aside)…!

Stocking Resolution 🧦
Heroic hosiery: the return of the prodigal sock. #foundstories

Maeve’s 5-minute Master Class ❤️
A Valentine’s Day master class from a maestra of the human heart and the queen of Irish storytelling Herself, Maeve Binchy.

Sun Salutation: Stretching for the Light…
Succulent life lessons: reaching for the light in the dark of the year. #foundstories

Concept Art by Sadie and a “Raven” Review
Middle grade manuscript: concept art by Sadie and a “raven” review!

A Writers’ Conference Quick Start Guide
A handy guide to writers’ conference mayhem. (Image: SiWC)

En pointe… 🩰
En pointe in our new home! #foundstories

Thank You, She Wrote 🐦⬛✨
Thank you, Surrey, for another fantastic conference! (Also my education degree!)

SiWC: T-minus Eleven Days… 🦇🥀
That’s the Surrey International Writers’ Conference, if you’re wondering!

Alpha & Beta Readers: Making an Alphabet from the Soup
A hymn for heroes who hear and read stories while they’re still emerging from the soup of somebody’s “subconscious” mind.

Surrey International Writers’ Conference (SiWC), Round Two 🖋
The SiWC is coming! Well, more like I'm going to it. We'll meet in the middle.

Telling Tails: Cat’s Play
Telling tails: cat's play. #foundstories